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RV adventure Key

We believe that having an RV is the key to an adventure

We are Iana and Wouter we love to travel in our RV with our dog Lucky. We live in Sweden and we like long road trips to places that are far from the beaten path. On this website, we will write all about RV life. You will find our story and RV travel guides to help you experience your own adventure. We hope that it will inspire you to go on an adventure!

The website is fairly new but we are planning on adding more content soon!

Don’t forget to watch our videos on our Youtube channel and follow us on Instagram!

Our three priorities during our life on the road.

Leave nothing but footprints

We all know how annoying trash is. During our previous travels, we have experienced the most beautiful places but it was hard to notice between all the plastic bottles…

Create memories, not dreams

When you dream about something, start working towards it. If you really put your mind to it you will notice that almost all your dreams are achievable over time.

Road trips are the best kind of trips

We love road trips. Even before having an RV we took unexpected trips. We are always curious about what is hiding behind the corner.

“If happiness is the goal – and it should be, then adventures should be the top priority.”

Richard Branson

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